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缦花园静静坐落于湾区硅谷南湾,仿佛是一片隐秘的花海。这里花卉密植,绿树成荫,花香四溢,鸟鸣悠扬。走进这片世外桃源,眼前是绚丽的玫瑰和纯真的玛格丽特,千种自然花草交织成诗,还有白兰、桂花、海桐、栀子、茉莉等幽香植物,仿佛在轻声细语。清晨与傍晚,是赏园的最佳时光,身心在这宁静中得到舒展,感受时光的慢度与惬意。Nestled quietly in the South Bay of Silicon Valley, Oiit  Garden is like a secret sea of blossoms. Here, flowers flourish, trees provide cool shade, and the air is filled with enchanting fragrances and the melodic songs of birds. Step into this sanctuary, where vibrant roses and delicate daisies greet you, mingling with thousands of natural blooms. The gentle whispers of osmanthus, jasmine, and more invite you to linger. Morning and evening are the perfect times to wander and unwind, allowing your spirit to embrace the slow, sweet passage of time.

历经十年,缦花园的故事从零开始,园主初涉园艺,纯粹是买些小苗,随意种在光秃的土地上。虽然当时没有规划,但乐趣无穷。随着花草渐渐增多,命运却曾让这片花园经历了一次意外,化为杂草丛生的荒地。对花草的热爱深植于心,园主从未放弃,每年悉心种植与调整,终于造就了如今的缦花园。Over the past decade, the journey of Oiit Garden began from scratch. The owner, a novice in gardening, started with a few small plants scattered across barren land, driven purely by joy rather than planning.As the blooms multiplied, fate took a turn, transforming the garden back into a wilderness of weeds. Yet, the owner's deep-rooted love for flowers never wavered. Year after year, through dedication and care, the garden blossomed into the vibrant haven it is today.

虽然庭院不大,却巧妙地布置了各式休憩区,漫步其中,每个角落都邀您驻足。满眼的绿意扑面而来,四季花卉绽放,春华秋实,每个季节都有独特的韵味。大部分植物源于扦插与小苗,岁月的魔法让这片土地与园主之间结下了深厚的情感。每日在花园中忙碌穿梭,让平凡的生活也充满了滋味。Though modest in size, the garden is thoughtfully designed with various cozy nooks, inviting you to pause in every corner. A lush tapestry of greenery surrounds you, with seasonal flowers blooming in a delightful dance throughout the year. Each season brings its own unique charm, woven from cuttings and seedlings that have grown alongside the owner, creating a special bond over time. The daily rhythm of tending to the garden infuses ordinary days with extraordinary beauty.

花园与植物的疗愈力量,治愈着生活的每一个瞬间。转眼十年,特此建立此网站,记录这段旅程。在朋友们的建议下,缦花园被赋予了更多功能,分享给热爱自然的朋友们,让我们一起成长,期待下一个十年。The healing power of this garden nurtures every moment of life. Now, after ten years, this website serves as a reflection of that journey. Inspired by friends' suggestions, Oiit Garden has taken on new roles, sharing its magic with fellow nature lovers. Together, let’s grow and embrace the next decade of beauty and discovery.

​With love,

Yookie Cross 陈缦

(本网站所有照片均为实地拍摄。All images on this website are taken by Yookie Cross.)

History 老样子

照片摄于2012年7月。那时,并没有感到沮丧,反而心中满溢着对改造的热情。随着时间的流逝,院子里逐渐焕发出一丝绿意,仿佛在向我展示希望与美好的变化。 🌱✨Captured in July 2012,  my heart overflowed with the excitement of transformation. As time flowed by, the garden slowly awakened with a touch of green, whispering tales of hope and beautiful change. 

照片摄于2014年1月。生活的考验从未停歇,土地再次变得荒芜。这一次,有家人在身边陪伴,却没想到,这段旅程竟然用了整整十年。These photos wer'e taken in January 2014. Life’s challenges never ceased, and the land fell barren once more. Yet, this time,  I was blessed to have my family by my side. I never imagined that this journey would take a full decade.⏳✨

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